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The Time My Hypnosis Client Met Her Higher Dimensional Guide

The Time My Hypnosis Client Met Her Higher Dimensional Guide

When Kay met her guide during a hypnosis session, “He” turned out to be a point in Sacred Geometry who had many answers to the mysteries of the Universe. He used symbols to help conceptualize multi-dimensional phenomena and taught Kay how to channel in a “collective collaboration.”

Make a Conscious Change

When one is open and ready, a hypnosis session can provide comfort, direction, clarity, healing, and support for moving forward in alignment with one’s life purpose and plan. It is a way to re-program your mind to focus on thoughts that are supportive of your goals, rather than self-sabotaging thoughts.

As a hypnotherapist specializing in Quantum Healing Hypnosis,  I help people to know themselves and become co-creators of their own life. Schedule your consultation by calling me at 206.854.8343 or booking online HERE.

*Photo by David Clode on Unsplash and Music: Dreamscape en silencio, Silencio Music